Dear friends,
If you have knowledge about little browsing and basic knowledge , that fine for real online job . Yes sure , no more qualification we required from you and only one more question that are you complete that age of 18 . If u completed that minor age , you are full qualified for online job.
What i am mean for online job ?
Yes, your doubt is correct . Online job mean one type of selling , but you don't meet any persons, not working in online ,
then how to selling online product?
That's real trick of online home based biz or job . Your work is first getting one online live website or blogspot blog . Second choosing correct product from good advertiser or advertiser and publisher bridge. Third getting traffic for your blog/website . It's just one week set up of your own work . After counting your Earning . It's easy and real Job.
Challenge 4 Online Job .
Choosing good online job providers is not real challenge . Really and good challenge is getting traffic for our website / blog . But is not hard work . Basically writing article that fine. But , i don't recommend for that hard work . I will given choosing product and how to getting immediate traffic from real customers . Its all simple and just 1 hour work.
First step of Online Job
Lot of website or company given online part time job website . But they are required some money for ready made website . That's not wrong , because they are worked one week and just ask that week payment (kooli) only . Really that ready made website worth for that required money (cash) . If u don't knowledge about creating simple free webpage or blog . I recommend to buy that simple ready made web site first . Or if u know about to creating free blog or web page . First Create your own web page or blog. and add good article in your page . Article about , Banking , Insurance , New featured IT Product , Online Job or what you like to write in your page .
Second Step of Online Part time Job is choosing company :
If you completed that your own web page , after find good online affiliate product and pay per click company ads. I recommend that google adsense is very good PPC company and paid every month. So join google adsense and some other company , after add all ads in your page. that fine . Basically its ads publishing job,'
Third step is growing traffic for your blog / web page
Making traffic only real work of in online job, but all web pages given tips for advertising our blog / webpage to Search engine Like google adwords and some adwords company . Lot of company doing that pay per click advertising . But i Recommend google adwords is best of all , because most of people using google search engine , if u like advertise you web page , select google adwords and get some immediate traffic for your blog. But they are required money for that work , if u not like to working much time in online . Just spend 1 hour to advertising blog to google and get monthly cheque (cash) for automatically. Yes really just 1 hour per week . But if you want real free traffic spend some time for daily and write some article for your web page content . Get automatic traffic from search engine , its not given quick traffic . write more article and get free traffic and earn huge money .
Rs.2000 / day its possible ?
Yes , possible to earn $100 dollar in a day . But it's all depending upon from your blog traffic only . If u have 1000 hits per day that given $4.00 for your work . 10000 hits is very easy to making , so earn $ 40 (2000Rs) at easily .